David Roper

Everyman’s Guide to Salvation – Lesson 6

David Roper continues to teach us about how to go about being evangelistic to our friends and neighbors.

2023 Eastside Bible Class
2023 Eastside Bible Class
Everyman's Guide to Salvation - Lesson 6

Everyman’s Guide to Salvation

Join our continued study by David Roper on how to better approach evangelism with those around you.

2023 Eastside Bible Class
2023 Eastside Bible Class
Everyman's Guide to Salvation

Everyman’s Guide to Salvation – Lesson 2

In this series, long-time evangelist David Roper shares with us his methods of bringing others to know Jesus.

Each One Reach One
Each One Reach One
Everyman's Guide to Salvation - Lesson 2

Everyman’s Guide to Salvation – Lesson 1

In this series, long-time evangelist David Roper shares with us his methods of bringing others to know Jesus.

I’m gonna make you all unhappy real fast. I want everybody to the front.
Okay. Fancy. Okay.
You want everybody up front?
People would be coming in from the back, not from the front. Anyway, it’s good to have you with us. I tried my hardest to talk anybody out of coming to the class. And I tried to emphasize it’s only for people who are really serious. Now I know, you know, it’s fine to come to class.
and just want some inspiration or information and it just kind of helps you live your Christian life. As we try to stress, this is going to be a workshop. Okay? I’m sorry, you’re going to be asked to do things. Okay? Now if you don’t come back next week, that’s fine, I won’t be mad at you. But anyway, I want us to be a serious group, serious about teaching folks.
serious about having one-on-one studies. Are you with me? Everybody did understand that, right? And you’ve got a lot of stuff there. Now, the one that says, mark your bibles, I didn’t intend for you to have that this morning. So please fold that and put it in the back of your notebook. You don’t want to look at that one yet. That’s not for looking at.
There we go, that’s a secret sheet that we will start looking at in a few weeks. I want to start with an illustration that I saw somebody use one time. Can you see Mr. Glove?
Okay, Mr. Glove, I want you to go up here to the whiteboard and write what we’re trying to do in this class.
Mr. Glove. Now these people are waiting for you and it should be an easy thing to do. I want you to go up to the board and write what we’re doing in this class.
Wait a minute.
Mr. Glove, I want you to go up and do what we’re going to be, talk about what we’re going to do in here.
How about that? Now, imagine that this is the 25 or so classes you’ve attended on personal evangelism. How much good is that going to do? Right? You’ve been to all these classes, you’ve taken all of these notes. What’s that going to accomplish? It’s not going to accomplish anything until what? You put yourself in it, and you did it.
That’s what this class is about. I don’t know about you, but I hear sermons that say, you need to do this, you need to do that, you need to do something else. I don’t know about you, but it helps me if they include a handle, something I’m grabbed hold of in order to do the thing they’re asking me to do. That’s why I love gold days and other things. It makes it a lot easier to ask.
You invite people to something special that’s going on. But anyway, that’s what we’re trying to do. We’re going to give you a handle. We’re going to have instruction. We’re going to have a little bit of inspiration. A whole lot of instruction. We’re going to give demonstrations. And it’s going to be a lot of practice. OK?
Practice up here and then practice back there. And after nine weeks, if you, I promise you, if you stay with me for nine weeks, you’ll be ready to sit down with somebody and teach them one-on-one. Now, you had, as I said, 25 or so of these classes.
You don’t have to do a show of hands, unless anybody feel overwhelmed. You have so much material given to you. Oh man, all the, and I have been really encouraged by them and even overwhelmed by how wonderful our, haven’t our teachers done well? They just done exceptionally well presenting that material. But.
Let me tell you, it may make you feel a little better, you don’t have to remember all of that. But you’ve been exposed to it. I remember in college, one day we had a guy come up in chapel and say, Now while you’re here, you’re going to study this much.
This is how much you’re going to remember. And this is the amount that makes you an educated person. That seems like a whole lot of money to spend to remember that much. But you’re there. You’ve been exposed to this. You know that this material is there. You know where you can go if you need it to get answers to your questions and so on. So that’s wonderful.
I think I need to say though a little bit, build on the last three that we’ve had about world, the worldview. I’m beginning to ask for a show of hands, but does anybody feel overwhelmed? You mean, that’s the world that I’ve got to teach?
Now the world may seem pretty bad today. I remember, I still remember so distinctly. I was born and raised in the Bible.
The time I started to call it was my first semester in college. I was carrying on a Written debate with a young man that planned to be a denomination preacher. I thought That my purpose was going to be to talk with people about what the Bible teaches That’s it everybody we all the same you’re talking to what the Bible teaches
And then though he went ahead and he began to talk about the world as a whole, even America as a whole. And I found out people don’t believe in America in general like they do in the Bible Belt, and like they did at that time in the Bible Belt. And it’s a rough old world out there. And there’s people who don’t believe the Bible.
Our textbook for that class, it was called Modernism, our textbook for that class was the textbook used at SMU University in their Bible classes. A commentary on the entire Bible. I was excited. I didn’t have any commentaries. I was going to have a commentary on the entire Bible.
Then we had to look at him. You know what happened when Paul was on the road to Damascus? He had an epileptic seizure in the middle of a thunderstorm, Platinum storm.
I found out, no, this book is not going to help me a whole lot to understand the Bible. But it’s just, that’s in Texas, that’s in the Bible Belt. And so I began to find out, hey, so many preachers don’t believe in the virgin birth, and that was many, many, many, many years ago, and it ain’t got no better folks. But that’s the world. Now, can we still reach people?
in the middle of an ungodly, unbelieving world.
I don’t know if you thought about this and I think maybe this will be brought up in a class coming up here, maybe even after this one. Think about the world in which the early Christians had to take the Bible. Are you thinking about it? Corinth!
repeated at that time to be the most ungodly sinning on the face of the earth. Leave that one alone!
Paul was right in the middle of it preaching the gospel. How about Athens? The philosophy center of the world. The ill-intelligentsia. They can’t reach these folks. Paul was running, I mean, they had an they had an idol on every corner.
You can’t do any good there. All right in the middle.
Yeah, he got stoned, he got thrown out of town, run out of town. But that’s the world. And guess what? Acts chapter 8 verse 4, and all that was scattered about did what? Whatever we’re preaching the word. And guess what? They’re accused of turning the world upside down, and they did. And they did.
You got the Roman government soon as you’re going to be persecuted and I’m trying to kill them. They’re preaching the gospel.
I know that it ain’t as easy.
to find people and teach people today as it was when I was a teenager. Okay, I mean, we just, we all acknowledge that, right? It’s not as easy.
I don’t want to be mean about this. But let me tell you, our biggest problem is not that the world has gotten so much worse. That’s a big problem. You know what the biggest problem is? We do not have the fire in our bones that we once had. We are happy and satisfied.
just to save the world and its rottenness. Go on as it is, as long as they leave us alone, we’ll leave them alone. Now we have to, that’s the biggest change and that’s our biggest problem. There are people that can be reached. We moved to Australia. Australians are not interested in religion.
There’s a saying over there, they go to church three times in their life when they’re hatch, matched, and dispatched. They’re the friendliest folks on the face of the earth. It’s a lovely place to live, but they’re not interested in religion. But guess what? Work harder enough, talk to enough folks, knock on enough doors, you find people, you
So it wasn’t too long until we had a congregation of a hundred there in Macquarie. Yeah, I’m trying to say, yeah, there are people we can, there are people that you can reach. There are people that you can reach. And I want you in the back of your mind, I’ll be talking about this in a minute, in the back of your mind I want you to be thinking about who you’d like to teach, who you’d like to reach. And the…
I’m going to ask you for those names, so I want you to be thinking real, real seriously. But now let me give you a little background on what we’re going to be doing. I started to, I don’t believe in Christian, I generally say a little bit of something along the line of back when it was a good school, I’m not trying to insult anybody, but anyway, back when it was a good school.
And I’ve gone one semester, and I don’t know if I’ve taken a course in personal work or just seen Homer Haley’s book on personal work. But anyway, Homer Haley’s book teaches you need to be doing personal work, and that has chapters on different types of things you need to teach on or objections that might be given. But there are no handles in there. No handles.
But anyway, after I’d gone one semester, I started preaching for the summer. I’m not going to go into how that happened. At Comanche, Oklahoma, one semester. I probably had an old house in the survey which just blew my mind. I was an ignorant guy. But anyway, I was going to preach all that summer at Comanche, Oklahoma congregation of about 100 people. And so here we are.
They asked me to teach on Wednesday night under this and the preaching. Guess what I taught on? Personal work. Ha ha ha ha ha. There’s one thing about being young and stupid. You can be very audacious and not even realize. But anyway, I never taught a class. I never done a one on one study. Personal class, I mean. So anyway, I went back to school. Next summer I got married.
Joe started working at a bank in Abilene.
Right next to her, she was a receptionist secretary at a bank up in the front. And next to her was Jim Tremor. It was also the same position. And her husband, Jim Tremor, was also going to be a preacher. So a lot in common. We spent a lot of time with him. The next summer, Jim went to work in New Mexico for a preacher named Ivan Stewart.
So if you’ve heard of Ivan Stewart, anyway, he came home with some mimeograph sheets of paper. He said, Ivan’s working up a way to teach people. It’s all in these mimeograph sheets of paper. Well, I’m very a strong believer in the providence of God, and God’s looking out after me. Anyway, I could have lost those sheets of paper real easily.
You can imagine all that you’re doing as a college student. But I stuck those memorandum sheets of paper somewhere. They finally ended up in the book from house to house. But anyway, here’s these memorandum sheets of paper. I got out of college and I started preaching at the village. That’s where the village is. And, uh…
I’ll tell you about our Monday night visitation later. But anyway, I started preaching at the village and all of a sudden I was preaching, I was teaching classes. I don’t know how it happened, but I’ve gotta study.
I say this young woman now, I was 21 years old, I probably didn’t think she was that young. She might have been on the old 30 or something like that. But anyway, here we go. I’ve got to study. What am I gonna do? Ah, I’ve got some mimeograph sheets. So I pulled out the mimeograph sheets. Did everything like the mimeograph sheets said. I sat down with her.
study and I’m trying to do it like those seats said. And when I get to it I think you’re going to love how it closes out. But I mean the last two questions are, do you want to be baptized? She said yes.
The last question is, do you want to be baptized tonight? She said yes. I didn’t know what to do. Anyway, like this story a little shorter, we got on the telephone, she called some folks, I called some folks. We finally got to the church building, I baptized her. I think at that point I baptized just a handful of people.
but I baptized her into Christ. Now, through the years, I’ve used a lot of different methods, okay? I’m gonna mention things that probably most of you never heard of. Murray’s Tistle charts. These were charts on the stand, and you talked about this chart, little charts on them, you flipped it over and talked about the next and so on. And I remember…
standing in this living room there in the village. I’ve got two couples seated before me and Joe’s over here, of course and Both of the men attended with their wives one of them had been attending for many many years and Anyway, this is the class and I was teaching these two guys.
Jules Miller film strips, you’ve heard of those, most of you have heard of those, right? I was present at…
an Abilene Christian lectureship when they announced that somebody was going to demonstrate a new method of teaching over in the chapel of the College Church Building. So I went over to the chapel, it’s full of people, and this real young guy got up, began to talk about he’s going to make film strips. Right? He didn’t have any film strips made, but he had some slides.
Some of them were big slides, some of them were little slides, some of them were sideways, some of them were vertical. But anyway, he tried to give us a little… That was my introduction to Jill Miller. And we got to be good friends. I love the Jules Miller film strips.
In case I forget to do it later. Whoops. In case I forget to do it later. They’re the only aid that I know that you can get. An advertising piece. I’ve knocked on lots of doors and gone through whoever’s on the other side of the doors with this advertising piece. That’s great. If you haven’t seen it before, you ought to look at it. Oh, I didn’t realize that.
I got a gospel meeting in there. Anyway, they’re great. So, anyway, on the campaign to Perth, Australia, we used the last three of those. And I remember two people that I taught and baptized during that campaign using those. So, anyway, Jules Miller, Filmstrips.
While I was living in Australia, I worked with him and we made an Australian version of Jules Miller Films strips. And then we tweaked it a little bit and made an Italian version of the Jules Miller Filmstrips. Love the Jules Miller Filmstrips.
Somebody says, oh, look those things, you know, they just have charts and pictures. Nobody’s jumping around and doing anything interesting. I hate to tell you, but guess what our preacher does on Sunday morning? He shows us charts and words. Pictures and words, pictures and words. But anyway, Jules Miller FilmStrips.
I don’t even know if we’ve got any around the building or not. They need to check on that. But anyway, talking about ties to a lot of folks with children with other Filmstrips and that have been on all these campaigns. They use this method, that method. Ivan Sertikos went ahead with his open Bible folders, one sheet folded up three fold and they’re done multiple choice. Been in a lot of campaigns with Ivan Stewart with that.
But the method that I’m going to show you is my favorite. It’s the one I come back to. It’s the one I use.
Basically, now the problem I had with Jules Miller Filmstrips, I was saying, hey, we just teach the Bible. And I come up with two handbooks full of equipment. I love this. You sit down with a Bible and a piece of paper.
That’s what you got. A Bible and a piece of paper. And you teach them the Bible. And it’s effective. And so, now, getting a little closer to home. While I was writing for Truth For Today, my boss, Eddie Cloer, he would give me assignments.
Now sometimes I would say, hey, could I do an issue on this, an issue on that, and so on. He’d say, okay. But then, he was mainly giving me assignments. And somebody contacting him said, we’d like for you to do an issue of Truth for the Day to use in a campaign. Now let me tell you at the beginning, that is impossible.
That’s 105 to 110 manuscript pages and an issue of The Truth for Today, which you have a copy of right there, right? You couldn’t possibly go through that in a campaign setting with somebody. And if you handed it out to somebody, chances are they’re not gonna read all that much. Nevertheless,
I love a challenge. And so I said, OK, I’m going to write down how I would hold a study and try to think of every objection that can be given. I want to think of every illustration I can think of that would help make this plainer. And that’s a lot of stuff. I’m going to stick all of that in this. So that’s what you’ve got right here.
Now, you don’t have to memorize this. I might take a deep breath. But I want you to read it. Okay? I want you to read it. I want you to be familiar with it. Between what we do in this class and what’s in here, you’re going to have the answers to almost any question.
that’s going to be asked you. We’ll talk about questions later. But you’re gonna have the stuff you need. So, I want you to, that’s your first assignment. I want you to read this, okay? Now, we’re gonna be talking here. I’m gonna do, it’s gonna be a little while before I actually get…
and tell you all about the method and get you working on them. But I want to do some background things. There was a time, as Tracy said last week, there was a time you could ask somebody a few questions then ask them if they’d like to do a study and then, you know, that next week you could start a study. Now it’s probably going to be a period of time.
between when you start praying about this person, thinking about this person, and then actually start your study. So I want to go through some of the things. You’ve had so many good things done, so many good things said to you. But let me just say a few preliminary things. First thing I want to say is…
Being a good example is wonderful. Being a good example is indispensable. Being a good example is right up at the top there of what a Christian should be and do. But it’s not enough, in most cases, to convert somebody. The Great Commission does not say
Go there for and be a good example. Now I say that because you’d be surprised, maybe you wouldn’t be, how many members of the church think I’m fulfilling the great commission by living a good life.
You heard it said so often, I’d rather see a sermon than hear one any day. Now I’m sorry, what did Jesus say? Go you there for and teach all nations, Baptizing in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I’ve commanded you. I need to pause and tell you about my quotations.
I was raised with the King James version.
In Abilene, we studied the American Standard version, which I loved, but it never caught on. Never caught on. When I started preaching, I’d done some preaching before I went to college, but anyway, when I started preaching seriously, I started with the American Standard. I still have my original little American Standard New Testament that’s the first thing I’ve ever preached for you.
And guess what? People thought I was misreading and miscoding. Everybody still liked the King James Version. So I started using the King James Version again. And most of my major memory work had the King James Version. I love the King James Version. But then I started working for Truth for the Day. They used the American Standard Bible. Okay? So.
I’m teaching a New American Standard, I’m writing using New American Standard. And then while I’m doing that, I start teaching some classes at Harding University. That is the NIV, the National University. So when I quote, that’s going to be probably mainly King James version, with a little…
Here and there are little bits and pieces of American Standard, New American Standard, and a whole lot of Roper interpretation. Okay, I’ll just explain that there, because I just got through quoting some in case you started looking at that. Okay, now, so, that’s not going to be enough. Now, oh, that example is so good. I remember while we were at, just kind of moved
final home there in Australia on 6 Ansek Avenue in Besswick. 6 Ansek Avenue, yeah. Uh, down North Rye. And, uh, there was a lady next door. Her husband had abandoned her. She was, she was, uh, a bit younger than we were. And she had two little boys, and I think she had a baby. And her husband had abandoned her when the baby was born.
And I remember getting acquainted with her, and Joe, of course, was getting acquainted with her. She was always my best personal worker when it came to just personal contact. And she came to our door one morning and said, Can I go to Bible class with you next Sunday? And we felt bad. We hadn’t asked her for see that. That was an example. Okay, she became a good, faithful member of the church. But that’s—
By and large, that’s not the way you’re going to be able to reach folks. Just be a good example. And I really hate to say this next one. Conversational teaching seldom results in baptism. Now, I’m just so proud of you that are able to, you know, talk about the Bible to people or say things about the Bible.
And so that’s just so wonderful. I’ve known so many people through the years and say, you know, I’m talking to my, I’m talking to my buddy at work and we’re talking about this and this. Maybe they’re asking me for some suggestion. I keep waiting for them to bring that guy to the building to be baptized. Still waiting, still waiting. Yeah, that’s a good start. That’s a good start. But that’s not it.
That’s my dear.
Give a God said.
You need to teach them start here, move here, move here, move here, move here. You need a study. So you’ve got your thing there. I don’t know if you’re writing anything down yet, but let me go here.
This is the hardest part. Oh, we’ve got a lot more stuff here, if anybody doesn’t. This is the hardest part. By the time that you stay with me in the nine weeks, you’re gonna be prepared to teach a class. But this is the hard part, getting that study in the first place. Some of you remember Leonard Caldwell.
They’ve just crossed the street there from the church building. Leonard loved to show the Jill Miller film strips. And he showed them to a lot of people. And he was always begging people to set up studies for him. That’s the hard part. And today it’s even harder. So we’re going to spend some time before we get into
the method itself and the study materials. We’re going to spend some time talking about setting up a study and all the different things that might be involved in them. And here now, here comes your big assignment. Are you ready? Get yourself ready. For the next nine weeks, at the end of nine weeks, you’re going to be ready to teach a class.
But during this nine week spherical, actually the next eight weeks, here’s your sign man. Build bridges.
build bridges. And if you hear it on last Sunday morning, you heard the sermon.
I told Jack Afterton, thank you for introducing my class. I said, assignment I’m going to give. An eight week assignment, build bridges. You’ve got to have a bridge.
Now, okay, some of you have done personal campaign work, and call Turkey knocking on doors and talking to them, and man, you’re working the percentages on that. If you talk to 25 people, you may get one study. But you’ve got somebody in mind, right? Maybe a friend. Maybe a neighbor.
Maybe in your family, maybe somebody you work with, you’ve got somebody in mind. You don’t have 25 people exactly like that that you can work the percentages. You have to build a bridge that you can cross when you’re ready to ask them about a study.
So, build bridges. Oh, how do you build bridges? Let me just kind of put out a couple of things that I’ve got here on building bridges. Incidentally, I’m half blind, half deaf, and have no memory. So just kind of bear with me as we’re moving along here. We understand.
Actually, I heard somebody say, I understand. Okay, Bill Bridges. Now, you can think of some things, we’ll come back to this later. All right, Bill Bridges. Get acquainted with, maybe your neighbor that you’d like to teach. And you really don’t know that much about that neighbor. Get acquainted. Invite into your home. Eat with them, take them out to eat. Eat at your home. Do things with.
Help them!
Invite them to watch the television series with Phil, okay? Invite them to VBS. Invite them to the open house thing we’re going to have in October. Invite them to, you got some favorite class? Invite them to that class. And you can go on and on. In fact, when I get to this again…
I’m going to ask you for a suggestion. What can you do to build a bridge? And this one is going to kind of sound funny. I’ve thought a lot about this through the years. Ask them to help you.
I’ve never heard that mentioned as a part of building bridges. Ask them to help you. And I don’t mean just make up something. I mean something that you really need and you need some help of some kind. And you’re showing number one, your vulnerability. You’re showing that you’re not a super-hater. And people like to help other people.
And that’s a good way to start building a bridge. So that’s your major assignment, start building bridges. Okay, now I’m not sure why you have those little brown Bibles. These belong to the church. I don’t think we’ve been given permission to make notes in those. How many of you brought your Bible?
That was one of the assignments. Bring a Bible. And you’re gonna have to write in it, okay? Now, back when this started, when Ivan did it, you used two Bibles, matched. Okay, you had one and your friend had another. That was back before we had 25 different translations that people used.
So you’re gonna use one, and we’re gonna show you how to work that. But you’re gonna have one, and you’re gonna have… Now, you’re gonna have to get acquainted. Now, this is, this makes care of some of you. You’re gonna have to find out what translation your friend uses and get acquainted with it before you teach your class. You’re gonna have him or her read a verse in their Bible.
and it may not read anything like it does in your Bible. And you’re gonna have to know that’s the case and then have a deal with it. So we’re gonna talk about translations later. What time is it anyway? I don’t have any idea. We’ll start a little time. We’re gonna talk about translations later and some of the strengths and weaknesses that just give you a little feel of different translations and what might show up.
and want to stay away from paraphrases. But anyway, okay, Bible, I know all of you have a.
have a little notebook there. Didn’t nobody bring another notebook other than the one that’s supplied, okay? Whatever works best for you, okay? Whatever works best for you. And of course you’ve got a pen and pencil there. Now, I’ve got one last thing to do and it’s very, very important. I need somebody to help me. That’s the first bell, right? Yes. Am I correct on that? Yep. Okay, I need somebody to hand out three cards. Somebody working this side, somebody working that side.
three cards to every person.
And this is so important. Three cards. Hope I can get this done in five minutes.
If I had to find messages to trace it, he’d probably have three cards in every place. I don’t know he’s going to be all the rest of this. And next time, please bring your own Bible that you can mark in. Okay? Please, please bring your own Bible.
I’m trying to think it. You’ve got that phone that you’ve been reading. Scratching it. And you say, now we’re going to study the Bible. Your phone ain’t going to work, folks. I’ll tell you, there’s a lot of reasons that’s going through this. This is your number one visual aid.
The thing you’re trying to get across is this is our authority. This is where we can find proof.
Not what you think, not what I think, not what somebody else thinks. What God has said in this book. This is your number one visual aid. And then we’re going to talk about that Bible, the parts of it and so on. And we’re going to read from it. And when people read a verse, you’ve got all the verses surrounding it, context. So it shows you’re being open and above, that you’re not trying to pull anything.
I was witness of the worst on pulling things. They give you a verse that has nothing to do with the price of eggs in China, but it looks good just by itself. But they don’t show it to you in a Bible. Okay, first of all, I may not get this finished. Card number one.
This is not a discussion class. If you have a better way of teaching, I don’t want to hear about it. You ask the elders, you ask the elders, ask them to teach a class about your way of doing it. That was another bell, was it? You’re kidding. OK, we’re going to start with three cards next time. Thank you so much. Let’s have a word of prayer.
God, thank you so much for this wonderful group that’s gathered here this morning. I pray that we will be a team working together, encouraging one another, and helping one another as we reach out to those we love and those we’re concerned about. Forgive us for our failures in the past. Help us to do better in the future. We pray in Jesus’ name, and amen.
Each One Reach One
Each One Reach One
Everyman's Guide to Salvation - Lesson 1
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